Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.


Authors and Publishers-Donate Your Diverse Children’s Books Here!

Multicultural Children’s Book Day is a wonderful and effective way to get diverse children’s and YA books into the hands of parents, teachers, caregivers, and librarians!

How can you get involved in this successful yearly online event?  Donate your books! Your donated diversity books will ultimately end up in the hands of your readers and educators or in the hands of children’s book reviewers. Here’s how:


Are you a publisher or an author of multicultural books for children? Would you like to donate a book for Multicultural Children’s Book Day? These books will ultimately end up in the hands of deserving teachers, librarians, parents, and young readers!

What We Need from You:

If you would like your multicultural children’s book to be considered for our 1/27 online event, please mail the MCCBD team one copy of your book . Additional copies will need to be mailed by you once you are assigned review bloggers in November/December.

The MCBD Team needs to receive a sample/donation copy of your book by my later than November 30, 2017.

Copies can be mailed to:

Becky Flansburg/MCCBD,

PO Box 2814

Baxter MN 56425

**Please include your name and a contact # in case we have any question inside your shipping envelope.

If your book fits the MCCBD criteria (see below for “What is a Multicultural Book) The Form below will help us identify you and get an idea of how many books you are donating to review bloggers.

Additional Details:

  • The matching process occurs in late November/early December and the MCCBD team will supply you with names and addresses of review bloggers so you can mail a copy of a book to each one (if you donate 5 copies-we will try our best to match your books with five different reviewers).
  • These review bloggers will in turn read and review your book on their blog any time between the date they received the book to 1/27.
  • These donated books will be gifted to young readers, parents and educators. There is no guarantee your donated book will be reviewed during the event.
  • On Jan 27, everyone links up their review post to create a huge reading resource for parents, teachers and librarians.
  • Massive social media efforts are a big part of the success of this event. All MCCBD team members, Co-Hosts and review bloggers will be using their own social media influence to share details of your book with the online world. Last year we received over 3.6 BILLION  Social Media Impressions!

Social media share impressions for Multicultural children's book day

What happens to the one book I send to MCCBD?

These sample books will be used in book bundles to parents, teachers, and classrooms. All donators of review copies will be recognized on the Multicultural Children’s Book Day site and within the final Sponsorship report.

NOTE: These donated books will be gifted to young readers, parents, and educators. There is no guarantee your donated book will be reviewed during the event.

The address of where to send your books for approval is included in the below Google Sign-up Form.


For our last MCCBD we had over 350+ well-established book reviewers reviewing multicultural books and those reviews were added to a huge link-up on the MCBD site. There are no guarantees that we will be able to match your book to a reviewer(s) but if we are able, we will provide you with names and addresses and you mail your book directly to the reviewer(s). **Also, this year we are not limiting reviewers to just bloggers. There are so many book-loving moms who have vibrant social media channels we are going to open up review options to include social media to give those who are not bloggers a chance to share books with their followers. ***Before we take this step, our review committee would need to see a sample of your book(s). All books that will be offered to review bloggers in 2017/2018 need to be approved first. If that is acceptable, send a copy to the below address. The book you send will then be donated to a classroom. Becky Flansburg MCBD PO BOX 2814, Baxter MN 56425

Questions? Contact the MCCBD Project Manager at

**The MCCBD Team retains the right to refuse any book that does not meet the event standards.

Multicultural Children’s Book Day: What is a Multicultural Book?

Multicultural Children’s Books Are:
  • Books that contain characters of color as well as characters that represent a minority point of view. Children need to “find themselves” within the pages of the books they read.
  • Books that share ideas, stories and information about cultures, race, religion, language and traditions.
  • Books that embrace our world and offer children new ways to connect to a diverse and richer world.


The Multicultural Children’s Book Day website and view our booklists, reading resources and other useful multicultural information.

Multicultural Books for Kids Pinterest Board has even more reading ideas.

Watch for the #ReadYourWorld hashtag on social media and share

List of our CoHosts-

Our Facebook page

-Our Twitter


Our Instagram Account:

Our Facebook Group {please join!}:


FIRST, a giant blog tour
so that readers, parents, teachers, librarians, and caregivers can explore lots of books with diversity content via book reviews, book lists, and links.

SECOND, a giant networking event
to connect organizers, sponsors, co-hosts, bloggers, and others interested in expanding awareness of, and promotion of multicultural children’s books.

THIRD, a virtual book drive
to place multicultural books in locations where they are needed.

Following the book review, you will find information and links for the generous SPONSORS, CO-HOSTS, and PARTNERS of the MCCBD global event.

Have Questions? Email the MCCBD Project Manager at Becky (at) MulticulturalChildrensBookDay (dot)com.



Spread the love


  • Becky Villareal

    October 9, 2017 10:55 am

    Becky, I will be sending books your way.

    • Rebecca Flansburg

      October 9, 2017 10:58 am

      Great news! Thanks becky!

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