Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.


Author Visit | African Diaspora within the Americas!

Guest Post by author C.Nichole

Growing up, we were taught about the Transatlantic Slave Trade. The history textbooks made it, and still make it seem, as Americans of African descent only have a history that starts at slavery. And then after that, it teaches about all the struggles through Jim Crow, civil rights movements, etc. but never about the people as a whole, no cultural references. I am an American of African descent. As a child, I can’t recall knowing that people of African descent were in North and South America anywhere other than the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean. I didn’t know until about my mid 20’s that the term “African Diaspora” even existed, which is people of African descent that don’t live on or weren’t born on the African continent.

When I write children’s books, I write for my younger self. What would I have wanted to know about my culture? I wrote The Reign: North and South America after had visited 94 countries at the time. It shouldn’t have taken me spending so much time and money to get a grasp on the African Diaspora and how similar but also different we are. While traveling, I’ve met so many people who were just in awe that I had the same skin as them but didn’t speak their language, didn’t live in their country—having both of us see firsthand the dispersing effects of the Transatlantic Slave Trade.

Seeing someone who looks like you, but speaks a different language, eats different foods, and wears different clothing is intriguing. As an adult, I was excited to learn so much from different ethnic groups first hand and even during my research, so I hope children get the same excitement reading about it in The Reign: North and South America. The world is diverse, and I believe children should learn about as many cultures as they can. It helps with cultural awareness, turning them into more empathetic adults.

I write to pass down knowledge to the next generation and even adults so that they can have it within their reach. I see history regarding all people of color being water-downed not to seem as hostile or cruel or even trying to erase it in its entirety within today’s education system.

The elders would always say, “The truth will set you free.” Sure, but I also like to think that the truth just makes it easier to understand. It lessens confusion and gives you insight into situations. I write to kids in my books in a truthful way that they can acknowledge. While reading, I’d hope their brains would be piecing together the past, which leads to the present, so they can help change the future. Throughout The Reign: North and South America, I give readers the history of the African Diasporan ethnic groups, their cultures, and what is going on with them in the present day.

C.Nichole is a singer, songwriter, television producer, non-profit founder, creative group, and publishing house owner. The Reign: North & South America is her second book from The Reign series, which includes historical children’s books about African and African Diasporan ethnic groups. She is also the author of American Presidential Parties: Their Relevance to People of African Descent.

C.Nichole is a graduate of the University of Houston, having received a BA in Marketing and Minors in Journalism and European Studies, which included studying abroad in Europe and Africa. She cites herself as being a citizen of the world with 100 countries under her belt before 30 years of age but makes Dallas, Texas, USA, her home base. She is an advocate for Pan Africanism, uniting all people of African descent, as she is the founder of the non-profit, Pan African Think Tank. You can find out more, donate, and shop apparel at

Connect with Pan African Publishing House at, @PanAfricanPH on Instagram and Twitter. C.Nichole can be found at @MsCNichole on Instagram and Twitter.



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